With Apple, Inc. adding 117 new emojis for iOS 14.2 update, I thought it might be interesting to look at some cool emoji facts for a change:🎉
- Fact 1: World Emoji Day is Saturday July 17, 2021🌎
- Fact 2: Emojis were created in 1998👍🏻
- Fact 3: Emojis originated in Japan🇯🇵
- Fact 4: Over 48% of adults use emojis👫
- Fact 5: Most tweeted emoji is Tears of Joy (14.5 billion mentions)😂
- Fact 6: Number of emojis sent by brands – 145 million messages📱
- Fact 7: Number of people/smiley emojis – >2000😎
- Fact 8: Number of animals & nature emojis – 212🐕
- Fact 9: Average number of emojis sent on Facebook each day – >60 million🦄
- Fact 10: Amount of money earned at the box office for The Emoji Movie ‐ $217 million😐
- Fact 11: Apple’s iOS 14.2 update now supports 3,292 emojis, including one with a medical mask (appropriate in this time of the Global COVID-19 Pandemic)😷
- Fact 12: Emoji 13.0 is the set of emojis approved for release in 2020 (3,304 emojis supported all or in part on iOS 14.2, Android 11, Samsung, and soon Windows)👏
- Fact 13: There is an entire website dedicated to tracking and cataloguing everything there is to know about emojis: The Emojipedia📔
Now we just need an emoji of 2020 and Satan, that’d be great way to convey via text how everyone feels right now!😱